ADARE Advocates is made of tens of servants. It has two full time committed lawyers who are engaged in its day-to day businesses. These are Advocate Audax Kahendaguza Vedasto- the Firm’s Founder and Advocate George Vedasto, an advocate who was groomed by and grew up with the Firm.

The other permanent personnel of the Firm are Mrs Edda Kahendaguza for an IT part of the Firm and Mr. Henry Karugila who is in-charge of the general organization and co-ordination of the business of the Firm. An addition to these persons is a chain of part-time staff and independent consultants who are working with the Firm on a work to work basis. They are being consulted and engaged whenever the Firm gets involved in a work which calls for their expertise or input of any kind, and this happens frequently.


Diploma in Computer and Information Technology, University of Dar es Salaam Computing Centre (UDCC).

This is the engine of the Firm. He heads the Office General Department. He is responsible for many matters of the firm and connection of the ADARE ADVOCATES and other firms and offices. He knows the ABCs of the Firm and he is aware of the whereabouts of everything of the office. He is playing a big role in the litigation, corporate work and publication of the Firm. He is a holder of Diploma in Computer and Information Technology from the University of Dar es Salaam Computing Centre (UDCC).